Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor prints, new catalogue n°129

Grosvenor prints, new catalogue n°129

Grosvenor Prints is pleased to present our Summer Solstice Listing: Catalogue 129! Highlights include: Cover: A Tigress. In the Possession of the Duke of Marlborough; to whom this place is most humbly dedicated, by his Graces most dutiful & obedient Serv,t John Dixon. G. Stubbs Pinxt. J. Dixon fecit. J. Dixon fecit. [Publish’d according to...

July, 18 2023August, 2 2023
Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°127

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°127

On the occasion of the coronation of Charles III, Grosvenor Prints is pleased to present its new selection of references: its catalog number 127: God save the King!   Highlights include: [George IV] The King seated in St Edward’s Chair Crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury. July 1821. Figures by J. Stephanoff. Architecture by...

May, 22 2023May, 22 2023
New catalogue n°126, Grosvenor Prints

New catalogue n°126, Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor Prints uploaded Catalogue 126 to its website! Highlights include: Cover: M.r James Gillray. From a miniature painted by himself & Engraved by Cha.s Turner.London, Published april 19 1819 by G.Humphrey, 27 S.t James’s Street.Mezzotint, plate: 300 x 395mm (12 x 15½”), with very large margins, on 19th century watermarked paper. Oval head and shoulders...

April, 28 2023April, 28 2023
Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°123

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°123

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Reference Book Listing: Catalogue 123.   Highlights include: Cover: James Gillray: A Revolution in Satire. Tim Clayton. New Haven & London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2022. 4to (300 x 250mm, 11¾ x 9¾”), printed boards and illus. d/w; pp. viii + 400, profusely...

March, 17 2023March, 21 2023
Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°121

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°121

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Catalogue 121! Highlights include: Cover: Daughters of Sir Thomas Frankland Bar.t. Painted by J. Hoppner R.A. Portrait Painter to His Royal Higness the Prince of Wales. Engraved by W. Ward.Publish’d March 1. 1797 by W. Ward, Delancy Place, Hampstead Road.Fine mezzotint. 580 x 455mm (22¾ x 18″)....

January, 21 2023January, 31 2023
Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°118

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°118

We have the pleasure of uploading our new listing: numéro 118! Highlights include: Cover image: Fête du Sacre et Couronnement de Leurs Majestés Imperials. Vue de la Décoration elevée en face de la Place de Grève de l’autre cote de la rivière, à l’occasion de la Fête donnée à leurs Majestés, par la Ville de...

September, 26 2022September, 26 2022
Grosvenor Prints, catalogue no 117

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue no 117

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Summer Satire listing: Catalogue 117! Highlights include: Cover image: [Robert Walpole] Idol- Worship or The Way to Preferment. And Henry the King made unto himself a great Idol, the likeness of which was not in Heaven above, nor in the Earth beneath; and he reared up his...

July, 18 2022July, 25 2022
Catalogue n°116, Grosvenor Prints

Catalogue n°116, Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor Prints has the pleasure in sending out our new catalogue of over 230 items. Highlights include: Cover image: Pinchbeck. Isaac Whood pinx.t. J. Faber fecit.[n.d., c.1725.]Mezzotint. 330 x 225mm (13 x 8¾”). Small repaired tear into margin on left. Printer’s crease bottom right in margin. Christopher Pinchbeck (1670?-1732), maker of clocks and automata, here...

May, 16 2022July, 29 2022
Catalogue n°114, Grosvenor Prints

Catalogue n°114, Grosvenor Prints

We have the pleasure of uploading our new miscellaneous catalogue of over 290 items. Highlights include: Cover image: Puck. [n.d., c.1860.]Pen & ink sketch on folded letter sheet, side 155 x 100mm (6 x 4″), with printed version; Baskerville vellum wove watermark. Printed version trimmed from booklet cover. A grotesque, winged Puck, sitting on a...

February, 4 2022February, 10 2022
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