
About Us

La Chambre Syndicale de l’Estampe, du Dessin et du Tableau

La Chambre Syndicale de l’Estampe, du Dessin et du Tableau is a professional association created in 1919.

Its activity consist in defending interests of the profession ; its members, merchants, publishers, experts…..etc
to intervene with public authorities, upholding the Code of Ethics and Original Engraving Charter, informing its members about new legislative and regulatory provisions (fiscal, customs, social etc)
As far as prints are concerned, the CSEDT, in collaboration with the SAGA (Salon des Arts Graphiques/ Graphic Arts Exhibition) have published an Original Printmaking Charter. It worth noting that an “original print is a plastic realisation voluntarily chosen by the artist as well as painting, drawing, photography or sculpture. Author creates a work on a support which can be metal, wood, stone or other. This artwork become a matrix that will be used to print several impressions (copies) on paper according to the will of the artist”.


President: Christian Collin
Vice-President: Nicolas Romand
General Secretary: Annie Martinez-Prouté
Treasurer: Mireille Romand
Members: Lisa Apelbaum
Didier Martinez
Thaddée Poliakoff
Nicolas Romand
Laurent Schwarz
Xavier Seydoux
Communication Manager: Nathalie Béreau
Former Presidents: Georges Meyer (1919-1936)
Maurice Le Garrec (1936-1937)
Paul Prouté (1937-1945)
Marcel Guiot (1945-1960)
Pierre Hautot (1960-1969)
Jean-Claude Romand (1969-1977)
Robert Guiot (1977-2009)
Mireille Romand (2009-2017)
