New catalogue N°137, Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor Prints is pleased to present Catalogue 137 :


Grimaldi & the Nondescript in the Red Dwarf. The Clown kills the Pantaloon and afterwards Dresses him in the Skin of a Lion, the Head of an Ass, Eagles Wings, Cats feet & a Fishes tail.
W. Heath Del.
[n.d., c.1810.]
Very rare hand-coloured etching. Sheet 350 x 255mm (13¾ x 10″). Tear on lower right. Trimmed.
Joseph Grimaldi (1778 – 1837) in a scene from the pantomime The Red Dwarf. Grimaldi faces the pantaloon, who is on all fours dressed in a lion’s skin, ass’s head, eagle’s wings, cat’s feet and a fish’s tail. Early clown image.
Not in Georges BM Satire.
[Ref: 63153]   £320.00

[The Honourable Miss Cholmondeley.] 
Reynolds pinx.t. Marchi fecit.
Sold by Ryland, Bryer & Co. in Cornhill] [n.d., c.1763].
Mezzotint. 510 x 355mm (20 x 14″). Thread margins. Small repaired tear in bottom left margin. Very small hole nearby in publication line on left.
Lady Hester Frances Cholmondeley (1763 – 1844) as a child, wading across a stream in bare feet, carrying a shaggy white dog. The daughter of Robert Cholmondeley and granddaughter of George, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley, she married Sir William Bellingham in 1783.
Chaloner Smith, between states i of ii. Hamilton ii of iii.
[Ref: 62771]   £380.00

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