Exhibition Keiji Uematsu, the baudoin lebon gallery

Exhibition Keiji Uematsu, the baudoin lebon gallery

“Looking back on the past from the future” from April 13 to June 3, 2023 > exhibition extended until 29 July

The exhibition will span the artist’s five-decade career and will feature four photographic series from the 1970s, in which he uses his own body by confronting it with objects in carefully orchestrated compositions, captured with a camera.
By exploring the flow of time, the principles of attraction, gravity, weight and weightlessness have been blurred.

The exhibition also includes more recent drawings and sculptures, which reflect the artist’s constant quest to highlight invisible forces and materialize intangible but universal phenomena.
Visuals :


the cover : Keiji UEMATSU
Touch of spiral, 2004
Watercolour and ink on paper
76 x 56 cm
Unique piece

Keiji UEMATSU,  Floating stone, Paris, May 17, 2018, Drawing on postcard, 13 x 18 cm, one-of-a-kind drawing.

Keiji UEMATSU,  Floating stone, May 4, 2018, Drawing on postcard, 10 x 15,2 cm, one-of-a-kind drawing.

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