

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°127

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°127

On the occasion of the coronation of Charles III, Grosvenor Prints is pleased to present its new selection of references: its catalog number 127: God save the King!   Highlights include: [George IV] The King seated in St Edward’s Chair Crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury. July 1821. Figures by J. Stephanoff. Architecture by Aug.s Pugin. F.C. Lewis, Sculpsit. [London Published as the Act directs Jan.y 1824 by Sir George Nayler, Garter.] Aquatint, printed in colours and hand finished. Sheet 420 x 560mm (16½ x 22″). Trimmed to plate, laid on card at borders. The interior of Westminster Abbey...

New catalogue n°126, Grosvenor Prints

New catalogue n°126, Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor Prints uploaded Catalogue 126 to its website! Highlights include: Cover: M.r James Gillray. From a miniature painted by himself & Engraved by Cha.s Turner.London, Published april 19 1819 by G.Humphrey, 27 S.t James’s Street.Mezzotint, plate: 300 x 395mm (12 x 15½”), with very large margins, on 19th century watermarked paper. Oval head and shoulders portrait of caricaturist and printmaker James Gillray (1757-1815). State with title in thick and thin letters, and all inscriptions engraved within border of horizontal and vertical lines surrounding image. Whitman 1907: 224.II. [Ref: 60043] £380.00 Venus. Elias Martin pinx.t J. Fried.k Martin Aculp.tPublish’d as the...

“Out of frame” by Johann Naldi and Rodolphe Trouilleux

“Out of frame” by Johann Naldi and Rodolphe Trouilleux

“In the course of Johann Naldi s’ encounters and research, finds and discoveries multiply. Incredible masterpieces reappeared, thought to be lost forever, and have been included in this book for the very first time. A large bather by Courbet; a sketchbook by Delacroix; a majestic horse painted by Géricault; landscapes by Constable, by Manet… Until these seventeen insanely ironic works of Incoherent Art. Works that had been lost for 140 years, and have just been declared a National Treasure by the Ministry of Culture. A beautiful and unique book, which takes you on a real treasure hunt through flea markets,...

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°123

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°123

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Reference Book Listing: Catalogue 123.   Highlights include: Cover: James Gillray: A Revolution in Satire. Tim Clayton. New Haven & London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2022. 4to (300 x 250mm, 11¾ x 9¾”), printed boards and illus. d/w; pp. viii + 400, profusely illustrated. New. A superb study of James Gillray (1756-1815), the leading satirist of his times. Tim Clayton has written several books on prints, including ‘The English Print, 1688-1802’ (1997) and ‘Bonaparte and the British: prints and propaganda in the age of Napoleon’, the catalogue of...

New Catalogue, The Paul Prouté Gallery

New Catalogue, The Paul Prouté Gallery

The Paul Prouté gallery invites you to discover its latest catalog n°164 dedicated to the origins of lithography in France (1804 – 1818). Online catalog is available on the gallery’s website. Visuals : Pierre-Nolasque BERGERET (Bordeaux 1782 – Paris 1863). The Dawdlers of The  Rue du Coq, 1804. Lithograph enhanced with watercolor, 215 × 375 mm, margins 240 × 395 mm,  edited by the lithographic printing house located at 24, rue Saint Sébastien. Provenance : Gabriel Cognacq (Lugt 538d), P. Prouté (L. 2103c). Reference : IFF ( Inventory of The BNF collections) Not defined, Bonafous-Murat 1987 n°1, Chappey 45. Jean-François...

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°121

Grosvenor Prints, new catalogue n°121

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Catalogue 121! Highlights include: Cover: Daughters of Sir Thomas Frankland Bar.t. Painted by J. Hoppner R.A. Portrait Painter to His Royal Higness the Prince of Wales. Engraved by W. Ward.Publish’d March 1. 1797 by W. Ward, Delancy Place, Hampstead Road.Fine mezzotint. 580 x 455mm (22¾ x 18″). Framed in a very good ‘Daniel’ type frame. Small margins. Unexamined out of frame. A portait of Marianne and Emilia Frankland in a landscape, a spaniel asleep at their feet. Amelia holds a crayon and a portfolio of sketches. They were two of the many...

Publication of the book “Peu de chose en vérité” by Laure Matarasso

Publication of the book “Peu de chose en vérité” by Laure Matarasso

Unpublished poem accompanied by 5 engravings enhanced with watercolor by Jean-Marc Brunet.Edition limited to 30 copies on BFK Rives, signed by the author and by the artist. Typography Atelier du Livre de l’Imprimerie Nationale.Alain Freixe lives in Nice and as a former professor of literature, he likes to “wander between philosophy and poetry”. Jean-Marc Brunet settled in Soissons, has been drawing since his youngest age, painter engraver, always in search of new techniques, he organizes and participates in many exhibitions or events in connection with music, literature or poetry…..He was linked very early to poets such as Jean-Clarence Lambert, Bernard...

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°118

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue n°118

We have the pleasure of uploading our new listing: numéro 118! Highlights include: Cover image: Fête du Sacre et Couronnement de Leurs Majestés Imperials. Vue de la Décoration elevée en face de la Place de Grève de l’autre cote de la rivière, à l’occasion de la Fête donnée à leurs Majestés, par la Ville de Paris.Le Cour del. et sculp.[Paris, 1806.]Scarce aquatint with hand colour. Sheet 440 x 330mm (17¼ x 13″). Trimmed within plate, repairs in inscription area with loss of text including publication line. A view of a fireworks display held on the Place de Grève (now Place...

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue no 117

Grosvenor Prints, catalogue no 117

We have the pleasure of uploading our new Summer Satire listing: Catalogue 117! Highlights include: Cover image: [Robert Walpole] Idol- Worship or The Way to Preferment. And Henry the King made unto himself a great Idol, the likeness of which was not in Heaven above, nor in the Earth beneath; and he reared up his Head unto y.e Clouds, & extended his Arm over all y.e Land; His Legs also were as y.e Posts of a Gate, or as an Arch stretched forth over y.e Doors of all y.e Publick Offices in y.e Land, & whosoever went out, or whosoever...

Latest catalog, the Martinez D. gallery

Latest catalog, the Martinez D. gallery

Do not hesitate to check out the old & modern prints of the Martinez D. gallery current catalog. Online catalog 1- Nicolas Claes Pietersz BERCHEM « La vache qui pisse / The pissing cow ». (n°1) 2- Nicolas GUERARD « Singeries amoureuses / Amourous antics. Monkeys preface to the Readers. » (n°23)

Catalogue n°116, Grosvenor Prints

Catalogue n°116, Grosvenor Prints

Grosvenor Prints has the pleasure in sending out our new catalogue of over 230 items. Highlights include: Cover image: Pinchbeck. Isaac Whood pinx.t. J. Faber fecit.[n.d., c.1725.]Mezzotint. 330 x 225mm (13 x 8¾”). Small repaired tear into margin on left. Printer’s crease bottom right in margin. Christopher Pinchbeck (1670?-1732), maker of clocks and automata, here shown holding an open pocket watch. He also invented ‘pinchbeck’, an alloy of copper and zinc that resembled gold, which created a new market for costume jewelry. Among his clients was Louis XIV, for whom he made a music clock. In 1717 he advertised a...

New catalogue, Paul Prouté gallery

New catalogue, Paul Prouté gallery

Discovering the works of Félix Buhot   Between Romanticism and Impressionism, Félix Buhot (1847-1898) is credited with reviving art of etching in late nineteenth-century. The gallery is pleased to present in its most current catalog a selection of engravings, most of which come directly from the artist’s family, in order to pay tribute to this whimsical and inventive engraver.   1 National Holiday on the Boulevard de Clichy, 1878. Etching, drypoint and aquatint, 320 × 240, margins 485 × 335 (Bourcard and Goodfriend 127 vii/viii). Artist’s red stamp (Lugt 977).   2 The Little  Marine, Souvenir of Medway, 1879. Etching,...