Becoming a member


Becoming a member of CSEDT


Membership applications will come under review with the EUSM Governing Council meetings and are subject to the approval of Bureau members.

Any gallery and expert wishing to join the CSEDT must be able to justify his/her registration in the Trade Registry – Registre du Commerce -(federal tax ID number/extract K-bis).

The request must be accompanied by:
– the sponsorship of two active members of the CSEDT.
– the payment of the contribution (350 € /per year to date).


Membership includes a complete acceptance of the Code of Ethics, the statutes of the association and the rules of procedure for any gallerist or expert.
The financing of the CSEDT is ensured through subscriptions of its members and its participation in paritarianism.
The rigor and solidarity of members are essential to recognize the value of the information and support work that the Committee provides. Moral integrity and total independence will be guaranteed by this mode of operation.

How to join

If you wish to join, you can contact the CSEDT:
11 rue Rameau – 75002 Paris

Download membership registration form in PDF format

